Marcus Schwarz, Street Foreman

Now is the time for us to start preparing for the winter ahead. We all know, here in Nebraska, winters can get a little rough and very unpredictable. So we try to be prepared at all times to have the streets cleared and safe for the community to drive on.
In preparing for winter, there are a number of things we try to do to be sure things run smooth and as effective as possible, such as servicing all vehicles that will be used in moving and removing snow, applying snow wax in all dump trucks to allow for snow to slide out, and installing a good set of chains for the road grader to get through heavy covered areas.
For us and the community, it is best to start clearing snow early in the morning to avoid traffic and to allow may of the priority streets, Fire Hall pad, and Nursing Home to be cleared and ready for everyone. We do ask that you remove vehicles from the side of the roads to give us a chance to clear as much snow as possible. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Also, we ask that you please remove any low hanging trees that are above sidewalks and hanging over the street. THANK YOU!!
We have a set of Emergency Snow Routes and a few priority streets that we like to clear first. They are as follows:
* Nursing Home
* Fire Department Pad
* Minor Avenue – Business District
* Kossuth Street – East towards Highway 23
* Minor Avenue – South
* School Street
* Kellogg Avenue
* Kennett Street
* Medina Avenue – South
Please know that we try to clear all streets in a timely manner. Thank you for working with us! Everyone have a safe winter.

When cleaning your sidewalks and driveways, please do not put the snow in the street! You need to put it on your yard. When putting it in the street, you are making it harder for the Street Department to get things cleaned up. By piling snow in your curb line, you are creating issues which can lead to icing and street damage.
If you do not want your vehicle buried in the snow by the snow removal crew, please move your vehicles as soon as possible so that snow can be removed in front of your house without causing stress for anyone.
The Village does not clean sidewalks or driveways.